
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Creating Wealth Is All About Ones Mindset.
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Creating wealth is first and foremost about ones mindset. In this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap, we'll uncover a book that every modern day thought leader has either read or heard about. The book was written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910. It's called: the Science of Getting Rich. In it Mr. Wattles explains: "You don't get rich by doing certain things. You get rich by doing things in a certain way." For more information visit: www.closingthewealthgap.us or download my free wealth coaching app: text TYRONE to 36260. You can also Call TYRONE (562)498-4316 today!

Monday Apr 05, 2021
A Hidden Benefit Found In Many Auto Insurance Policies
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
A Hidden Benefit Found In Many Auto Insurance Policies. In this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap, Tyrone French and Paul Roberts discuss some real life experiences towards knowing what's covered in your auto insurance policy could save you $1000's of dollars. Tyrone gives an example of how Long Beach BMW went the extra mile on his service visit and repairs that were not covered under his warranty or maintenance plan. For more information visit: www.closingthewealthgap.coach or text: Tyrone to: 36260. Call Tyrone at (562) 498-3416 today.

Saturday Mar 20, 2021
The Financial Genocide of 2053
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
The Financial Genocide of 2053. Closing The Racial Wealth Gap is not just important. It's quickly becoming a life or death situation. In this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap we're going to discuss the significance of the year 2053, and why you should be concerned if you are African American. For more information visit: www.closingthewealthgap.coach or www.closingthewealthgapapp.com. Call Tyrone at (562) 498-4316 today!

Monday Mar 08, 2021
The Law of Reciprocity Explained
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Sowing and reaping is not just a thing; It's a natural law. During this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap, we'll explore the meaning and the origins of this powerful law. Once again Tyrone French and Paul Roberts will uncover a hidden truth, that can equate to living a life of prosperity or poverty. Tyrone will explain that it's actually just a choice. For more information get Tyrone's free wealth coaching app: www.closingthewealthgapapp.com or visit: www.closingthewealthgap.coach. You may also call Tyrone at: (562) 498-4316.

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Veterans and Financial Literacy
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
There's a cause and effect relationship between struggling military veterans and financial literacy. In this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap: we'll explore some of the problems that veterans are facing financially, and offer some solutions towards making things better for our honored hero's. Listen to Christopher L Penton, Force Master Chief Petty Officer, USN - Retired, along with Tyrone French and Paul Roberts shed some light on this important issue. For more information download our free wealth coaching app: www.closingthewealthgapapp.com or text: TYRONE to: 36260. For wealth coaching visit: www.closingthewealthgap.coach today.

Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Improve Your Personal Economy With MyEcon.
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
Sunday Feb 07, 2021
You hear politicians all the time talking about the economy. On this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap, we're going to highlight the most important economy in the USA: Your Personal Economy. Listen to Keith Tucker of myEcon (My Economy) explain how you can increase your cash flow without working harder on your current job. To learn more visit: www.tyronefrench.coach or Call Tyrone at (562) 498-4316. Do It Now!

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Network Building...The Business of The 21st Century
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
The Business of the 21st Century is: Network Marketing. In today's episode of Closing The Wealth Gap we will explore the fastest growing wealth building business model in the world. It's a multi-billion dollar industry that the average person just doesn't understand because they literally cannot see it. Listen to my guest Dawn Maree explain the what, why and how of this prosperity generating system. For more information visit: www.soundmoney.biz or Call Tyrone at (562) 498-4316 today!

Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Funeral Planning Is No Longer An Option.... It's A Necessity!
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Funeral planning is no longer an option... It's a necessity. In this episode of Closing The wealth Gap, we'll talk about the need for Funeral Planning, Veterans Funeral Benefits and the importance of owning Final Expense Insurance. For more information visit: www.tyronefrench.com/final-expense or call: (562) 498-4316. To get my free wealth coaching app: text TYRONE to 36260. Wealth coaching available at: www.tyronefrench.coach

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Two Americas: A Nation Divided
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
America is at a cross-road.... On this episode of Closing The Wealth Gap, we'll explore the political divide between our two party system. We'll also discuss why and how the haves, have always exploited the have nots to do their biding. For more information visit: www.wealthcoaching.us or call: (562) 498-4316. For my free wealth coaching app: text TYRONE to: 36260

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
How To Compete In A Rigged System
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
In the final episode of Closing The Wealth Gap for 2020... Listen to Tyrone French and Paul Roberts have a candid conversation about how to compete in a system that is rigged against the working poor and the middle class. For more information visit: www.tyronefrench.coach or text Tyrone at 36260. Call: (562) 498-4316 when you're ready to Close The Wealth Gap.